Java 21 and Beyond: A Roadmap of Innovations by Ana-Maria Mihalceanu

Java 21 and Beyond: Discover the latest innovations in Java, including records, virtual threads, and more, and learn how to leverage them to improve your application's performance and security.

Key takeaways
  • Java 21 and Beyond: A Roadmap of Innovations by Ana-Maria Mihalceanu
    • Public key encryption schemes provide a way to securely encrypt and decrypt data
    • Records are a type of object that can be used to easily create and manipulate data structures in Java
    • Project Leiden aims to improve the performance of Java applications by augmenting the Java object model with value objects
    • Project Valhalla is another project that aims to improve the performance of Java applications by introducing a new type system
    • Virtual threads are a new way to run coroutines in Java, allowing for more efficient use of resources
    • JDK 21 includes several new features, including support for Java records, switch expressions, and record patterns
    • JDK 22 includes support for virtual threads and other new features
    • Leiden is a project that aims to improve the performance of Java applications by introducing a new type system
    • Valhalla is also a project that aims to improve the performance of Java applications
    • Java 21 and Beyond: A Roadmap of Innovations
  • Presents the evolution of Java and its features, from the first version to the latest ones
  • Discusses the new features in Java 21, such as records, switch expressions, and record patterns
  • Shows how to use Java records to create and manipulate data structures
  • Discusses the concept of virtual threads and their benefits
  • Discusses Project Leiden and its goals
  • Discusses the differences between G1 GC and ZGC
  • Discusses the advantages of using records in Java
  • Discusses the concept of pattern matching and how it can be used in Java
  • Discusses the new features in JDK 22
  • Provides some examples of the use of Java records
    • Chemical reactions are simulated to create a way to extend the language