Voxxed Days Ioannina 2024 Translating a Cretan Book into English,German etc using Java & ChatGPT API

Explore the efforts to translate a Cretan book into multiple languages using Java and the ChatGPT API, discussing challenges, limitations, and solutions to automate the process.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker uses ChatGPT API to translate a Cretan book into English, German, and other languages using Java.
  • The speaker’s process involves breaking down the book into small files, using AsciiDoc to format the text, and then translating it with ChatGPT.
  • The speaker uses Java 11 HTTP client to send requests to the ChatGPT API.
  • The speaker notes that the ChatGPT API has limitations, such as token limits, and may require additional handling for errors.
  • The speaker discusses the importance of using the correct API key and other authentication methods to access the ChatGPT API.
  • The speaker mentions the difficulty of translating Cretan words, especially those with footnotes.
  • The speaker notes that ChatGPT-generated code may require editing and improvement.
  • The speaker uses OpenAI ChatGPT to generate code, including a Java program.
  • The speaker’s goal is to automate the translation process to make it easier to translate the book.
  • The speaker recommends using parallel streams to improve the efficiency of the translation process.
  • The speaker shares a personal anecdote about using ChatGPT to generate a jewelry catalogue.
  • The speaker notes that ChatGPT is not always accurate and may require manual editing.