Deno 2.0 – Ryan Dahl, Node Congress 2023

Learn about Deno 2.0's advancements, including key-value databases, atomic transactions, and a focus on accessibility, ease of use, and security.

Key takeaways
  • Deno is designed to be a more secure and optimized version of Node.js, with a focus on serverless and edge computing.
  • Deno 2.0 is expected to be released this summer and will feature improved support for key-value databases, atomic transactions, and more.
  • The goal of Deno is to allow developers to build fast, scalable, and secure servers and cloud services without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
  • Deno is built with a focus on accessibility and ease of use, with a goal of allowing developers to build real applications in just a few lines of code.
  • Deno’s KV (Key-Value) database is a built-in, local database that provides fast and secure storage for JavaScript objects.
  • Deno’s permission system restricts access to the file system and network by default, requiring developers to explicitly allow access to these resources.
  • Deno’s compatibility layer allows it to run Node.js code with minimal modifications, making it easier for developers to migrate to Deno.
  • Deno’s NPM client is built directly into the platform, allowing for easy installation and management of dependencies.
  • Deno’s focus on serverless and edge computing allows it to provide fast and scalable solutions for real-world applications.
  • Deno’s KV database provides atomic transactions, allowing for safe and secure data updates.
  • Deno’s permission system is designed to provide fine-grained control over access to system resources, making it easier to build secure and reliable applications.