DjangoCon 2022 | Async Django: The practical guide you've been **awaiting** for.

Get a practical guide to using asynchronous programming in Django, with key takeaways on syntax, libraries, and best practices for building scalable and reliable applications.

Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Async Django is a practical guide for using asynchronous programming in Django
  • Async and away syntax is similar to JavaScript
  • Asynchronous queries are available in Django since 4.1
  • Event loop is used to execute concurrent tasks
  • Channels and HTMx are libraries that can help with asynchronous programming in Django
  • Async Python and asyncio library are used under the hood
  • Polling and long polling are methods for handling async requests
  • Consumers handle incoming messages and update the DOM
  • Async code can be run in an ASGI application to support concurrent tasks
  • Connections can be timeout configurable and can be used for aggregation
  • Async Django provides a way to focus on the core functionality of an app
  • Event loop can be used to handle multiple tasks concurrently
  • Django ASGI applications are built on top of actual Python
  • Async and await syntax is used to write concurrent code
  • Channels and HTMx can be used to handle async requests
  • Consumers are used to handle incoming messages and update the DOM
  • Error handling is important when using async code
  • Postás is a useful library for async code
  • Async Django allows for better scalability and reliability
  • Channels and HTMx provide a way to handle async requests in a Django application