DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Closing session

Join DjangoCon Europe's closing session, highlighting community involvement, gratitude, and appreciation for organizers, sponsors, and attendees, as well as a special thanks to Mariusz Frischak and a preview of the conference's remaining activities.

Key takeaways
  • The importance of community involvement and volunteer work in running a conference like DjangoCon Europe.
  • Becky’s emotional appreciation and gratitude towards the people involved in organizing the conference.
  • The mention of the Django Software Foundation (DSF) as the umbrella organization behind the conference.
  • The DSF did not have a slot for its planned workshop, but the organizers found a solution to make it work.
  • The event had many talks, keynotes, and lightning talks, and the attendees enjoyed themselves.
  • The importance of sponsors and their role in helping to run the conference.
  • The conference was well-organized, and the team worked hard to make it happen.
  • The attendees were impressed by the venue and the food provided.
  • Mariusz Frischak, one of the Django fellows, gave a thanks speech, and Cardon was honored for his five years of service.
  • The organizers thanked many people, including the session chairs, speakers, contributors, and sponsors, for making the conference possible.
  • The attendees were given a task to help with the closing session, which was to move into the center of the hall.
  • The conference will continue with sprints and other activities for the remaining two days.
  • There were some issues with the slides, but the speaker apologized and moved on quickly.
  • The attendees were thanked for coming, and the organizers appreciated their involvement and enthusiasm.