DPC2021: A short tale about state machine - Łukasz Chruściel

Discover how state machines can help reduce inventory and manage transitions between states, customizable using XML, callbacks, and external services integration, with libraries like Symfony Workflow and Doctrine State Machine.

Key takeaways
  • State machines are commonly used in applications, and reducing inventory is possible by defining the cycle explicitly.
  • State machines can be configured using XML and can be maintained with backward policy.
  • The guild callback is called before transition, the before callback is called before setting the state, and the after callback is called after setting the state.
  • State machines can be used to integrate with external services using events.
  • State machines can be implemented using libraries such as Symfony Workflow and Doctrine State Machine.
  • State machine implementations can be customized using callbacks and guards.
  • The get state function can be used to expose the state of the application.
  • State machines can be used to manage transitions between states and can be configured using XML.
  • State machines can be implemented using object-oriented design and can be customized using callbacks and guards.
  • State machines can be used to integrate with external services using events.
  • State machines can be used to manage transitions between states and can be configured using XML.
  • State machines can be implemented using libraries such as Symfony Workflow and Doctrine State Machine.
  • State machine implementations can be customized using callbacks and guards.
  • The get state function can be used to expose the state of the application.