An Introduction to Symfony Messenger | Denis Brumann

Discover Symfony Messenger, a message bus system for asynchronous processing of messages. Learn about its mediator dispatching, middleware concept, retries, and decoupling from the framework.

Key takeaways
  • Denis Brumann introduces Symfony Messenger, a message bus system that allows asynchronous processing of messages.
  • The message bus is a mediator that dispatches messages to handlers, allowing them to react to events.
  • Symfony Messenger supports multiple transports, including RabbitMQ, Redis, and Doctrine.
  • The message bus has a middleware concept, allowing for separation of concerns and extension points.
  • Middleware can be applied to messages before they are dispatched or after they are processed.
  • The message bus has a retry strategy, allowing for retried messages to be sent to the same transport.
  • The component is marked as experimental and is expected to become stable in Symfony 4.4.
  • Symfony Messenger is decoupled from the framework, allowing for use outside of Symfony applications.
  • The message bus can be configured to use different handlers, transports, and retriable strategies.
  • The component has a flexible configuration system, allowing for customization of behavior.
  • The talk concludes with a demonstration of using Symfony Messenger in a Symfony 4.3 project.