Effective Code Review - Dave Liddament

Improve software development efficiency and quality by learning effective code review techniques, from identifying defects to spreading knowledge and reducing costs.

Key takeaways
  • Code review is not just about finding defects, but also about spreading knowledge and improving the overall cost of software development.
  • Code review is not about being perfect, it’s about making progress and improving over time.
  • Code reviews should be done incrementally, focusing on small changes to code.
  • It’s essential to agree on the code review process as a team, to ensure consistency and effectiveness.
  • A good code review process can help to reduce the number of defects, and improve the overall quality of the code.
  • Code review can catch defects earlier in the development process, which can reduce the cost of fixing them later.
  • It’s essential to test the code thoroughly, both manually and automatically, in order to ensure that it works as expected.
  • Code review is not a one-way process, it’s a collaboration between the developer and the reviewer.
  • Code review should be done in a way that is constructive and helpful, rather than critical or judgmental.
  • The reviewer should not only check for defects, but also provide suggestions for improvement.
  • Code review should be done in small chunks, to make it more manageable and focused.
  • It’s essential to use static analysis tools to help with code reviews, as they can catch issues that might not be immediately apparent.
  • Code review can help to improve the overall structure and design of the code, by identifying areas for improvement.
  • The benefits of code review include improving the quality of the code, reducing the number of defects, and improving the overall cost of software development.