ElixirConf 2023 - Geoffrey Lessel - Introducing Vox: the static site generator for Elixir lovers

Introducing Vox, a static site generator for Elixir developers, featuring easy-to-use solutions for generating static websites with Elixir and Phoenix.

Key takeaways
  • Geoffrey Lessel introduced Vox, a static site generator for Elixir users, citing the need for such a tool to simplify the process.
  • He aimed to create a easy-to-use solution for generating static websites using Elixir and Phoenix as building blocks.
  • Vox focuses on static sites, unlike Dynamic Web applications.
  • Each Elixir module is compiled once to abstract syntax tree (AST).
  • Collection system gathers variables throughout the directory tree.
  • Directory tree has mirrored structure, except without template file extensions.

Template binding syntax: | Type | Name | | :—: | :- | | template | template for files in.eex |

Compiling for Markdown:

Markdown should be provided. Will support.eex for compilation.

Phoenix influences design decisions.

Support extensions. No template specified; relies on code not being provided. Not sure now that’s an extension).

Not well-written code as much time on other components

Geoffrey and team’s main goal; this new website.

Future prospects (still not the new path of the website);

Static websites. Vocabulary has never changed. If one could imagine the world around this thing called a digital home with different rooms we’ll.