"Clojure lsp – One tool to lint them all" by Eric Dallo

Discover Clojure LSP, a Language Server Protocol implementation that provides language server functionality for Clojure, with features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and diagnostic reporting.

Key takeaways
  • Clojure SP is a static analysis tool that provides linters, diagnostics, and code style checking
  • It is designed to be extensible and customizable, with a focus on supporting multiple editors and languages
  • The tool is composed of several components, including clj-conda, clj-fmt, and clj-lint, each with its own set of features and use cases
  • Clj-conda is used for analyzing and validating schema definitions, while clj-fmt is used for formatting code
  • Clj-lint is used for linting and reporting on code quality and style
  • The tool also includes a hook system for extending its functionality and integrating with other tools and languages
  • Closure LSP is a Language Server Protocol implementation that provides language server functionality for Clojure
  • It is designed to be used with multiple editors and languages, and provides features such as syntax highlighting, code completion, and diagnostic reporting
  • The tool includes several features, including a dump feature for generating a summary of the analysis, and a hook system for customizing its behavior
  • It is designed to be used with other tools and languages, and can be integrated with a variety of development workflows
  • The tool has been used in production at NoBank, and has been found to be effective in improving code quality and style
  • It is available on GitHub and can be used with multiple editors and languages
  • The tool is designed to be extensible and customizable, and can be used with a variety of development workflows and tools.