ElixirConf 2023 - Owen Bickford - Elixir's Secret Ingredient

Discover Elixir's secret ingredient with Owen Bickford at ElixirConf 2023, exploring Phoenix framework, community contributions, and more in this exciting talk.

Key takeaways
  • The Elixir community is a healthy and growing one, with over 1,000 contributors.
  • The Phoenix framework is an essential part of Elixir, with Phoenix Core being a key component.
  • The ElixirConf conference is a great resource for learning about Elixir, with topics ranging from beginner-friendly guidelines to advanced concepts.
  • Contribute to the Elixir community by updating the Phoenix documentation or reporting issues.
  • Hex is a package manager that can install and manage dependencies.
  • The Mix task runner can be used to run tasks, such as compiling code or running tests.
  • Elixir and Erlang are robust and fault-tolerant languages, with features such as supervisors and monitors that help manage processes.
  • Side effects can be managed using tools like IEX and mix run.
  • The Phoenix framework provides a high-level API for building web applications.
  • The Elixir language supports functional programming concepts like pattern matching and recursion.
  • The community is encouraged to interact with each other, share knowledge and experiences, and help each other grow.
  • The Elixir Wizards podcast is a great resource for learning about Elixir and staying up-to-date with the latest developments.
  • LiveBook is a new tool that allows developers to create live, interactive documentation.
  • The Elixir community is best served by contributors who are willing to report issues and provide feedback.