ElixirConf 2023 - Patrick Smith - Orb: Write WebAssembly with the power of Elixir

Discover how Orb, a new library for Elixir, enables the creation of WebAssembly modules with an Elixir-like syntax, offering composable and reusable code, and explore its potential for efficient memory management and cross-platform development.

Key takeaways
  • Patrick Smith talked about Orb, a library for creating WebAssembly modules from Elixir code.
  • Orb allows for the creation of composable modules that can be reused and composed together.
  • Orb is designed to feel natural and lightweight, with an Elixir-like syntax.
  • WebAssembly (WASM) is a binary instruction format that can run on multiple platforms, including desktop and mobile.
  • WASM has a protocol that allows foratonin across architectures, making it deterministic.
  • WASM is not tied to a particular runtime, making it a good choice for platforms like browser and Node.js.
  • Orb provides a way to write WASM code in Elixir, making it a good choice for Elixir developers.
  • Orb has macros, which allows for declarative code.
  • Orb provides a way to define state machines.
  • Orb can be used to create WebAssembly modules that can be reused and composed together.
  • WASM is a good choice for applications that require low-level control and efficient memory management.
  • WASM is not tied to a particular platform, making it a good choice for cross-platform development.
  • The author is interested in hearing feedback and opinions on the syntax and direction of Orb.