ElixirConf 2023 - Petrus Janse van Rensburg - ex_cldr - Personalized Apps for a Global Audience

Unlock the power of internationalization in your Elixir app with CLDR, a robust library for formatting numbers, dates, and times across diverse locales, ideal for apps targeting non-English speaking users worldwide.

Key takeaways
  • The CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository) is a powerful library for internationalization and is structured for ease of use.
  • It provides a set of libraries including XCLDR, XCLDR-numbers, XCLDR-units, and XCLDR-Roots.
  • CLDR is important for apps targeting non-English speaking users as it provides a way to format numbers, dates, and times correctly for each locale.
  • CLDR has many features such as calendar systems, unit of measure conversions, translation, and more.
  • It is not a simple library to master, but with the right approach and setup, it can greatly enhance the user experience for international users.
  • Elixir’s GetText is also a good library but CLDR provides additional features for more complex localization tasks.
  • CLDR is particularly useful for targeting emerging markets with large populations of non-English speaking users.
  • It allows for proper formatting of numbers, dates, and times for each locale, which can greatly enhance the usability of an app for international users.
  • CLDR is a powerful tool for anyone looking to internationalize their Elixir app.