Static generated sites === great performance. What are you waiting for?

Discover the power of Nuxt and its modules for building fast, scalable, and maintainable static sites, from image optimization to server-side rendering and beyond.

Key takeaways
  • Static sites are great for performance.
  • Use Cloudinary for image optimization and automatic image compression.
  • Use Purge CSS to remove unused CSS code and optimize bundle size.
  • Use Tailwind and Purge CSS together for best results.
  • Use Nuxt as a static site generator, it can handle complex applications.
  • Use Nuxt’s built-in module for static site generation, nuxt generate.
  • Use Nuxt’s mode option to specify whether to use server-side rendering or static site generation.
  • Use Nuxt’s universal mode for server-side rendering.
  • Use Nuxt’s generate command to pre-render pages at build time.
  • Use Nuxt’s lazy option to load components lazily.
  • Use Nuxt’s fallback option to provide a fallback for lazy-loaded components.
  • Use Nuxt’s nuxt module to generate a static site.
  • Use Nuxt’s webpack analyzer to analyze bundle size and performance.
  • Use Nuxt’s accessibility module to improve accessibility of your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s internationalization module to support multiple languages.
  • Use Nuxt’s datepicker module to add datepicker functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s payment module to add payment functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s auth module to add authentication to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s search module to add search functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s progressive module to add progressive web app functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s PWAs module to add PWA functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s caching module to improve performance by caching pages.
  • Use Nuxt’s pre-rendering module to pre-render pages at build time.
  • Use Nuxt’s hydration module to hydrate components at runtime.
  • Use Nuxt’s router module to handle routing and navigation.
  • Use Nuxt’s store module to manage state and data.
  • Use Nuxt’s api module to interact with APIs.
  • Use Nuxt’s websocket module to add real-time functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s server module to add server-side rendering to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s static module to generate a static site.
  • Use Nuxt’s dynamic module to add dynamic functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s single-page module to create a single-page application.
  • Use Nuxt’s full-static module to generate a fully static site.
  • Use Nuxt’s hydration module to hydrate components at runtime.
  • Use Nuxt’s server-rendering module to add server-side rendering to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s progressive module to add progressive web app functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s PWAs module to add PWA functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s caching module to improve performance by caching pages.
  • Use Nuxt’s pre-rendering module to pre-render pages at build time.
  • Use Nuxt’s hydration module to hydrate components at runtime.
  • Use Nuxt’s router module to handle routing and navigation.
  • Use Nuxt’s store module to manage state and data.
  • Use Nuxt’s api module to interact with APIs.
  • Use Nuxt’s websocket module to add real-time functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s server module to add server-side rendering to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s static module to generate a static site.
  • Use Nuxt’s dynamic module to add dynamic functionality to your site.
  • Use Nuxt’s single-page module to create a single-page application.
  • Use Nuxt’s full-static module to generate a fully static site.