Devoxx Greece 2024 - Translating a Cretan Book into English, German, Chinese,using Java &ChatGPT API

Java developers, learn how to powerfully translate a Cretan book into English, German, and Chinese using Java and ChatGPT API, leveraging HTTP clients, threads, and Apache libraries.

Key takeaways
  • Java can be used to translate a book into multiple languages using ChatGPT API.
  • The speaker used Java 11 HTTP client to integrate with ChatGPT API.
  • ChatGPT 3.5 is more affordable and faster than Jet TBT 4.
  • The speaker used virtual threads to translate the book in parallel.
  • Files.walk method was used to traverse the file tree.
  • The speaker encountered issues with checked exceptions when using files.walk.
  • ChatGPT API has limitations, such as a maximum number of requests that can be made at a time.
  • The speaker used AsciiDoc to break up the book into smaller chunks for translation.
  • The speaker translated the book into English, German, and Chinese.
  • ChatGPT 4 is capable of translating poetry and has improved capabilities compared to ChatGPT 3.5.
  • The speaker used IntelliJ IDEA to integrate with ChatGPT API.
  • There are concerns about the use of generative AI and its impact on the job market.
  • The speaker’s book translation project was done in parallel across multiple threads.
  • The speaker used a visitor pattern to translate the book in parallel.
  • The speaker’s code used Apache HTTP client to send requests to ChatGPT API.
  • The speaker’s code handled exceptions and used try-catch blocks to handle errors.
  • The speaker’s project used GitHub to manage the code and translations.
  • The speaker’s project used OpenAI’s ChatGPT API to translate the book.