ElixirConf 2023 - Zack Kayzer and Stephanie Lane - Unleashing the Power of DAGs with Pacer Workflow

Discover how Pacer Workflow unleashes the power of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) to simplify complex workflows, reduce error rates, and enrich data, all while providing a centralized repository for fields.

Key takeaways
  • Unleashing the power of DAGs with Pacer Workflow
  • Pacer Workflow is an abstraction over DAGs
  • DAGs are directed acyclic graphs
  • Pacer Workflow helps with complex workflows, error rates, and instrumentation
  • Use Mix deps to get dependencies
  • Topological sorting is used to order function calls
  • Kahn’s algorithm is used to determine the order of functions
  • DAGs are used to visualize dependencies
  • Use workflows to enrich data and reduce complexity
  • Avoid cyclic dependencies
  • Use Pacer Workflow to parallelize high-latency functions
  • Instrumentation is important for monitoring and error detection
  • Use default values for fields
  • Use Mix deps to check for dependencies
  • Pacer Workflow provides a centralized repository for fields