Pairing, Sharing, Caring - One team's journey to Pair Programming - Mark Bradley

Join Mark Bradley as he explores a team's journey to implementing pair programming practices, sharing knowledge, and improving code quality by leveraging principles from Extreme Programming, avoiding common pitfalls, and celebrating failure and learning.

Key takeaways
  • Pair programming is essential for knowledge sharing: Pair programming is a powerful tool for sharing knowledge and improving code quality.
  • Practice makes perfect: Pair programming requires practice to become effective.
  • Flexibility is key: The ability to rotate pairs and try different approaches is essential for success.
  • Collaboration leads to better code: Collaborative coding leads to better code quality and reduced errors.
  • Patient communication is crucial: Effective communication and active listening are essential for pair programming.
  • Streamlining workflow: Merging and trunk-based development can streamline the workflow and reduce errors.
  • Building trust: Trust is essential for successful pair programming.
  • Context is important: Understanding the context of the code is crucial for effective pair programming.
  • Avoid frustration: Avoid known common pitfalls and frustrations associated with pair programming.
  • Practice empathy: Empathy is essential for understanding the other person’s perspective and effective communication.
  • Code with me: Code with me is a great tool for remote pair programming.
  • Keep learning: Pair programming is a continuous learning process.
  • XP principles: Pair programming applies principles from Extreme Programming (XP).
  • Alter your workflow: Be willing to adapt your workflow and process to accommodate pair programming.
  • Celebrate shared knowledge: Celebrate shared knowledge and the benefits of pair programming.
  • Don’t be a keyboard hog: Be willing to share the keyboard and let the other person drive.
  • Don’t interrupt: Practice patience and avoid interrupting the other person while they are driving.
  • Communicate: Communicate effectively and concisely to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
  • Pair programming culture: Foster a culture that encourages pair programming and knowledge sharing.
  • No excuses: Make pair programming a habit and minimize excuses for not doing it.
  • Celebrate failures: Celebrate failures and learn from them to improve the pair programming process.
  • Miro as a tool: Miro is a great tool for remote pair programming.