Embedded Rust on ESP32 - Juraj Michálek - Rust Linz November 2022

Discover how to develop applications for microcontrollers using Embedded Rust on the ESP32, a versatile chip with GPIO, I2C, I2S, and Wi-Fi features. Learn about the ESP-IDF framework, NoSTD implementation, and community involvement.

Key takeaways
  • Embedded Rust on ESP32 is a great way to develop applications for microcontrollers, with the same code reusing skills from desktop development.
  • The ESP-IDF framework is used, which is written in C, but Rust provides a great alternative.
  • Rust is lowering the barrier for developers to work with embedded systems.
  • The architecture Extensa is used, which is a nice design.
  • The ESP32 chip has many features, including GPIO, I2C, I2S, and Wi-Fi.
  • The conference talk presents several examples, including a smart LED and a maze game.
  • The speaker recommends using local development container for better debugging and testing.
  • The ESP32 chip is a great alternative to Arduino, with Rust making it even more accessible.
  • The project is designed to work with a specific chip, and users can contribute their own examples.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of community involvement, and the Rust community is encouraged to contribute.
  • The slides are available online, and the speaker invites questions.
  • The conference is taking place in Linz, and attendees are encouraged to participate.
  • The project is using NoSTD (no standard library) to provide a bare metal implementation.
  • The speaker demonstrates several demos, including a moving maze with a ghost.