Rust + Serverless = LOVE - Maxime David - Rust Linz, July 2023

Discover the perfect match: Rust's performance and serverless technology combine to create a scalable and efficient experience, ideal for building modern applications.

Key takeaways
  • Rust is a great candidate for serverless: Rust’s zero garbage collection and small binary size make it a great fit for serverless applications.
  • Cold starts are a challenge: Cold starts occur when a new instance of a function is spun up to handle a sudden increase in traffic, which can lead to slower response times.
  • Rust’s fast startup time helps minimize cold starts: Rust’s fast code initialization and small binary size help minimize the impact of cold starts.
  • Serverless is not just about Lambda: Serverless is a broader concept that encompasses many cloud providers and services, including Google Cloud Run.
  • Cloud Run is similar to Lambda: Cloud Run acts like a container as a service, auto-scaling and providing a similar experience to Lambda.
  • Rust is winning in benchmarks: Rust outperforms other languages in benchmarking tests, including Go and Node.js.
  • Serverless provides a great developer experience: With serverless, developers can focus on writing code without worrying about infrastructure and scalability.
  • Optimization is important in serverless: Optimization techniques like linked time optimization and code generation units can help improve performance in serverless applications.
  • Rust’s small binary size is an advantage: Rust’s small binary size makes it easier to handle sudden increases in traffic and reduces the impact of cold starts.
  • Serverless with Rust provides a great combination: Combining Rust’s strengths with serverless technology provides a great combination for building scalable and performant applications.