Jordão Bragantini - ultrack: large-scale versatile cell tracking in Python | SciPy 2024

Discover ultrack: a Python-based cell tracking solution that combines traditional image processing with optimization for scalable analysis of large microscopy datasets.

Key takeaways
  • ULTrack is a new Python-based software for joint cell segmentation and tracking, capable of handling large-scale datasets (up to 4TB)

  • Combines traditional image processing with optimization techniques instead of relying solely on deep learning approaches

  • Can process both 2D and 3D microscopy data, supporting multiple cell types and fluorescence imaging modalities

  • Uses a two-step process: pre-processing for feature extraction followed by clustering and optimization

  • Handles challenging scenarios like cell division, cells entering/leaving field of view, and cells with varying fluorescence intensities

  • Achieves state-of-the-art results on the Cell Tracking Challenge benchmark, particularly excelling with traditional image processing approaches

  • Scales efficiently with memory usage through windowed processing and scheduling schemes

  • Integrates with popular scientific Python tools (Napari, Dask, SciPy) and supports multiple file formats

  • Performs well even on laptop hardware for moderate datasets, while supporting HPC deployment for larger datasets

  • Emphasizes user control and interpretability over black-box ML approaches, allowing parameter tweaking and multiple segmentation hypotheses