Explore generative models in AI with Keras


Explore Keras, a high-level API for building and training deep learning models, with recurrent, convolutional, and fully connected layers.

Key takeaways
  • Keras is a high-level API for building and training deep learning models, and its mission is to make practical AI accessible to everyone.
  • Keras provides three ways to instantiate a model: sequential API, functional API, and subclassing a model.
  • The sequential API is the simplest way to build a model, but it can be inflexible.
  • The functional API provides more flexibility, but requires more code.
  • Subclassing a model is the most flexible way to build a model, but requires a good understanding of the underlying mathematics.
  • Keras provides several layers, including convolutional layers, recurrent layers, and fully connected layers.
  • The functional API can be used to build complex models, such as those that involve multiple inputs and outputs.
  • Keras also provides several optimizers, including stochastic gradient descent and Adam.
  • The model builder API can be used to build and train models in a flexible and efficient way.
  • Keras supports several types of models, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks.
  • Keras also supports several types of data, including images, text, and audio.
  • The model object in Keras is used to represent a deep learning model, and it provides several methods for building and training the model.
  • The fit method is used to train a model, and it takes several arguments, including the training data, the number of epochs to train for, and the batch size.
  • The predict method is used to make predictions with a trained model, and it takes several arguments, including the input data and the number of predictions to make.
  • Keras also provides several callbacks, including the EarlyStopping callback, which is used to stop training early if the model’s performance on the validation set stops improving.
  • The ModelCheckpoint callback is used to save the model at regular intervals during training.
  • The TensorBoard callback is used to visualize the model’s performance and make adjustments to the training process.
  • Keras also provides several tools for building and training models, including a built-in optimizer and several layers.