Faster, Easier, Simpler Vectors - David Stone - CppCon 2021

Discover how to create faster, easier, and simpler vectors with David Stone's talk at CppCon 2021, covering issues with standard vectors, lazy push back, capacity, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Faster, easier, simpler vectors
  • Issues with standard vector: slow, complex implementation, poor performance
  • Lazy push back: reduces reallocation, improves performance
  • Capacity is an important concept in vector implementation
  • Trivially relocatable and trivially destructible: important concepts for efficient vector implementation
  • Avoid quadratic growth in implementations
  • Static vector: a faster, easier alternative to standard vector
  • Growing capacity exponentially: a good approach
  • Unique pointer: an example of a trivially relocatable type
  • Easier programming: reusability and simplicity are important goals
  • More efficient algorithms: focusing on efficiency and ease of use
  • Custom containers: designing simple, efficient containers for specific use cases