Automation Is Hard & We Are Doing It Wrong • Johan Abildskov • GOTO 2022

"Discover how automation can improve your software development pipeline, and learn why treating it as a luxury leads to inefficient implementations. Get practical tips on designing effective automation systems at this GOTO 2022 talk."

Key takeaways
  • Automation is viewed as a luxury, but it’s a fundamental aspect of software development.
  • Most organizations treat automation as a luxury, leading to incomplete or inefficient implementations.
  • Automation is not just about cost savings, but about improving the entire delivery pipeline.
  • DevOps is often approached incorrectly, with a focus on technology over people and process.
  • There is no single silver bullet for automation, and complex systems require complex solutions.
  • Automation is often implemented without considering the bigger picture, leading to overlap and inefficiency.
  • Organizations need to prioritize simplicity and focus on automating the simple things first.
  • Automation should be treated as software development, with a focus on building and maintaining systems.
  • Automation should be designed to be extensible, scalable, and maintainable.
  • The “Ikea effect” - people tend to overvalue things they build themselves, applies to automation as well.
  • Automation should be designed to reduce toil and manual work, rather than creating more complexity.
  • Organizations need to prioritize building simple, testable, and deployable systems.
  • Automation should be designed with the end-user in mind, and should provide measurable benefits.
  • The benefits of automation need to be clearly communicated and prioritized within an organization.
  • Automation should be designed to be observable, measurable, and controllable.
  • Automation should be integrated with existing systems and processes, rather than creating new ones.
  • Organizations need to prioritize building a culture of continuous learning and improvement.