Improving Open Source Ecosystem Sustainability Through Automation & Seamless Contribution Process

Discover how Capital One is leveraging automation and seamless contribution process to improve open source ecosystem sustainability, encouraging contributions, and strengthening its software supply chain for a more equitable future.

Key takeaways
  • Automation of repetitive and mundane tasks is possible through automation and open sourcing processes.
  • More contributions from internal and external teams can be encouraged through automation of the contribution process.
  • Sharing data and models with the community can lead to better insights, more accurate models, and stronger software supply chain.
  • Data profiling and labeling can be automated to improve data quality and facilitate open sourcing.
  • Open sourcing allows for collaboration and maintenance of projects internally and externally.
  • Contributions from inside and outside the company are encouraged and valued.
  • Capital One is committed to strengthening its software supply chain through open sourcing and automation.
  • The company values diversity and inclusivity in its team and is working towards creating a more equitable future.
  • Automation of checks and balances for developers ensures that they are following the right policies and procedures.
  • Data staging and transformation can be automated to facilitate open sourcing and collaboration.
  • Open sourcing allows for peer review and ensures that data is properly formatted and maintained.
  • The company has built a process that automates checks for developers, reducing the need for manual inspections.
  • Automation of data profiling and labeling allows for more accurate data quality and easier open sourcing.
  • Open sourcing enables the company to create a seamless contribution process and encourages more contributions from internal and external teams.
  • Automation of data quality checks enables the company to ensure that data is properly formatted and maintained.
  • The company is committed to open sourcing its projects, including RubyCon and Great Expectations.
  • Automation of data profiling and labeling enables the company to create a seamless contribution process and encourages more contributions from internal and external teams.
  • Capital One’s open sourcing efforts have allowed it to interact more with the community and has been a positive experience for the company.