ElixirConf 2023 - Lightning Talks

Implementing a component-based architecture, improving code review, and leveraging Elixir frameworks to simplify development and security.

Key takeaways
  • Implementing a component-based architecture with OpenBrush can be complex and challenging.
  • Junior engineers may need guidance to accomplish tasks, but it’s not necessary to constantly hold their hand.
  • Code review should focus on providing feedback and proposing solutions, rather than just pointing out problems.
  • Using Ecto can help implement multi-tenancy and improve security in Elixir applications.
  • Liveview can simplify the process of implementing websockets and deployments.
  • SQL injection challenges can be a fun and interesting way to practice coding skills.
  • The ability to learn from mistakes is important for personal and professional growth.
  • Providing feedback and guidance to junior engineers can help them grow and develop in their careers.
  • Code review should emphasize concrete actions and suggestions, rather than judgmental tone.
  • The importance of open communication and collaboration in software development cannot be overstated.
  • Using Docker files and cache mounts can help speed up builds and improve development efficiency.
  • The concept of SQL map can be used to parse HTML and make requests, but it’s not the same as puppeting a full browser.
  • The goal of code review is to improve the overall quality and maintainability of the codebase.
  • It’s important to prioritize security concerns and use tools like Ecto to help implement it.
  • The use of Liveview can simplify the process of implementing websockets and deployments.
  • The importance of providing documentation and feedback to junior engineers cannot be overstated.
  • The concept of SQL map can be used to parse HTML and make requests, but it’s not the same as puppeting a full browser.
  • The goal of code review is to improve the overall quality and maintainability of the codebase.
  • It’s important to prioritize security concerns and use tools like Ecto to help implement it.
  • Providing feedback and guidance to junior engineers can help them grow and develop in their careers.
  • Using Docker files and cache mounts can help speed up builds and improve development efficiency.