Federica Ciuffo and Christian Melendez - Building sustainable architectures with Kubernetes

"Discover Carpentier, an open-source Kubernetes auto-scaler that optimizes node pools and instance types to reduce costs and improve performance, achieving sustainable architectures with up to 80% cost savings and reduced carbon emissions."

Key takeaways
  • Carpentier is a Kubernetes native auto-scaler that helps achieve sustainable architectures.
  • It optimizes the node pool and instance types to reduce costs and improve performance.
  • Carpentier supports various instance types, including ARM-based instances, bare metal, and VMware.
  • It can run on-demand, spot instances, or both, and offers flexibility in instance selection and scaling.
  • Carpentier provides a cost savings of up to 20% compared to other instance types and up to 80% with savings plans.
  • It offers automation and customization options to adapt to specific application requirements.
  • The controller can scale nodes based on application-centric metrics, such as CPU and memory utilization.
  • Carpentier is an open-source project and has been donated to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).
  • It supports Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure, with plans for compatibility with other cloud providers.
  • Carpentier helps achieve sustainability and financial goals by reducing carbon emissions and providing cost savings.
  • It offers a cost-effective and scalable solution for Kubernetes-based applications.