Fernando Pérez Two decades of IPython and Jupyter

Fernando Pérez shares his personal story of struggling as a Ph.D. student and finding inspiration in Python and open source, highlighting the importance of human-centric community building, open science, and collaboration.

Key takeaways
  • Fernando Pérez shares his personal story of struggling as a Ph.D. student, getting fired and finding inspiration in Python and open source. He believes that open source and open science can empower individuals and foster healthy communities.
  • The importance of human-centric community building is emphasized, where individuals are creative, motivated, and have a sense of ownership.
  • The rise of Jupyter and IPython is attributed to the open source movement, which lowered barriers and enabled collaboration.
  • The presentation highlights the concept of “heroic” individuals in academia and their limitations, advocating for a shift towards a more collaborative model.
  • The importance of embracing open science and sharing knowledge is stressed, citing NASA’s declaration of 2023 as the year of open science.
  • The need to build capacity for open science globally, including in Latin America, is emphasized.
  • The tension between competition and collaboration is acknowledged, but Pérez believes that open science can foster a healthy competition that benefits everyone.
  • He encourages the audience to think about the future of open science and how to move it forward.
  • The presentation concludes with Pérez sharing his gratitude and love for the community, while encouraging the audience to continue working together.