Fix me if you can: architecture evolution step by step | Denys Bulakh

Elevate your startup's architecture with a strategic approach, focusing on scalability, maintainability, and problem-solving through incremental changes and iterative design refinement.

Key takeaways
  • SEO optimization for startups means focusing on limited resources, evolving architecture step by step, and considering scalability and maintainability.
  • Monolithic architecture can be beneficial in certain situations, such as consistency and ease of understanding.
  • However, monolithic architecture can also lead to scalability and maintainability issues, which can cause problems when trying to make changes or add new features.
  • When faced with challenges, startups should think strategically and focus on solving problems, rather than trying to fix symptoms.
  • It’s essential to define your core domain and identify the key components that are critical to your business.
  • Layered architecture, such as hexagonal architecture, can help decouple components and make it easier to scale and maintain the system.
  • Domain-driven design (DDD) emphasizes the importance of understanding your business domain and communicating with domain experts to identify the key components and behaviors.
  • Startups should prioritize building a minimum viable product (MVP) and then iterate and refactor as needed, rather than trying to build a perfect product from the start.
  • It’s essential to focus on testing and validation throughout the development process, rather than trying to fix issues after the fact.
  • Event sourcing can be used to implement resource and availability management, and to decouple components and make it easier to scale and maintain the system.
  • The steps to achieve this involve defining your core domain, identifying the key components and behaviors, and then iteratively designing and building the system.
  • Finally, startups should prioritize testing and validation throughout the development process, and focus on solving problems rather than trying to fix symptoms.