floy: Introduction to Postgres Query Planning

Get an in-depth look at PostgreSQL query planning, exploring the complexity of query planning, the role of the planner, plan nodes, and optimizing performance.

Key takeaways
  • Query planning in PostgreSQL is complex and influenced by many factors, including the complexity of the query, the size and distribution of the data, and the configuration of the database.
  • The query planner tries to choose the plan that will result in the fastest execution time, but it’s not always successful and human intervention may be necessary.
  • The EXPLAIN command is used to see the query plan chosen by the planner, which can be helpful in understanding why a particular plan was chosen.
  • The planner is forced to choose between sequential scans and index scans, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
  • The planner also has to consider the impact of page turns on performance, and will choose plans that minimize page turns.
  • Index scans can be faster than sequential scans in many cases, but may not always be the best choice.
  • The planner must also consider the cost of reading pages from disk, which can be influenced by factors such as the distribution of values in the table.
  • The planner is influenced by various plan nodes, including Seq Scan, Index Scan, Index Only Scan, Hash, Merge, and others.
  • Plan nodes can have various attributes, such as cost, perial, and nodename.
  • The planner can be influenced by various statistics, such as the number of unique values in a column.
  • The planner can also be influenced by various settings, such as random_page_cost and seq_page_cost.
  • It’s important to consider the distribution of values in the table, as this can affect the choice of plan node.
  • The planner can also be influenced by the presence of indexes, and will choose plans that make use of indexes.
  • The planner must also consider the impact of joins on performance, and will choose plans that minimize the number of joins.
  • The planner can be influenced by various join orders, and will choose the order that results in the fastest execution time.
  • The planner can also be influenced by the use of subqueries, and will choose plans that minimize the number of subqueries.
  • The planner is influenced by various limiting factors, such as the limit clause, which can affect the choice of plan node.
  • It’s important to consider the impact of caching on performance, and to use VACUUM and ANALYZE to maintain the efficiency of the database.
  • The planner is influenced by various statistics, such as the number of rows in a table, and will choose plans that minimize the number of rows that need to be processed.
  • The planner can be influenced by various factors, such as the distribution of values in a column, and will choose plans that result in the fastest execution time.
  • It’s important to consider the impact of data distribution on performance, and to use ANALYZE to maintain the efficiency of the database.
  • The planner is influenced by various settings, such as random_page_cost and seq_page_cost, and will choose plans that minimize the number of page turns.
  • It’s important to consider the impact of page turns on performance, and to use VACUUM and ANALYZE to maintain the efficiency of the database.
  • The planner is influenced by various calculating factors, such as the cost of reading pages from disk, and will choose plans that minimize the number of page turns.