Making DevOps Valuable | Sasha Rosenbaum

Learn how to shift the focus of DevOps from speed to delivering dependable and reliable products, and discover the key metrics, automation, and cultural shifts required to achieve business goals and customer satisfaction.

Key takeaways
  • Better, faster, but this is not what happens. DevOps should focus on delivering dependable and reliable products.
  • Measure everything, start with Service Level Indicators (SLIs) to measure performance.
  • Objectives are crucial, lying between development and operations, customer expectations, and business goals.
  • Automation is important, but it’s not enough. Just like a bicycle, without balance, you’ll fall.
  • Measure performance and reliability is the key. Remove obstacles, and create a balanced system to achieve better outcomes.
  • Metrics are important, but they should be objective, aligned with the target, and actionable.
  • Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is essential to ensure system reliability and performance.
  • DevOps should focus on delivering dependable and reliable products instead of just measuring speed.
  • Incentives matter, and aligning them between dev, product, and ops is crucial.
  • Automation can eliminate human errors, but it’s not a magic fix. It’s part of a solution.
  • Organizations should focus on gradual improvements and adapt to change.
  • Diversity of skills and perspectives is necessary, as all systems strive towards chaos.
  • DevOps should focus on balancing culture, automation, and metrics to achieve better outcomes.