Francisco Trindade at LeadDev West Coast 2023

Expert Francisco Trindade shares insights on effective team management and collaboration at LeadDev West Coast 2023, highlighting the importance of systems thinking, continuous improvement, and creating an enabling environment for teams to thrive.

Key takeaways
  • Systems thinking is a framework for understanding how systems work and changing them for the better.
  • It involves understanding the relationships between different components and how they interact.
  • Effective teams are those that collaborate and work together to achieve a common goal.
  • Managers should focus on system-level performance rather than individual performance.
  • Quality improvement requires a shift in focus from individual tasks to system-level processes.
  • Effective team management involves creating a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.
  • The Deming cycle (plan, do, check, act) is a useful framework for continuous improvement.
  • Systems thinking is not the same as following a rigid process or methodology.
  • Stagnation occurs when teams are constrained by a system that is not allowing them to improve.
  • The job of a manager is to create an environment that enables teams to deliver results.
  • The main job of a manager is to enable the team to be productive and improve continuously.
  • Collaboration and communication are key to effective team management.
  • Individual results are important, but team results are more important.
  • Creating a system that focuses on team output rather than individual output is important.
  • Managers should focus on the process and environment rather than looking for individuals to blame.
  • Systems thinking is a way of thinking about the world that is different from the traditional way of managing.
  • The goal of systems thinking is to create a system that is efficient, effective, and sustainable.