Fast, Ever-Evolving Defenders: The Resilience Revolution

Embracing failure as a catalyst for innovation, this talk explores the resilience revolution in defense, highlighting strategies to outmaneuver attackers and transform incident response.

Key takeaways
  • Embracing failure as inevitable and designing for resilience is crucial for fast and ever-evolving defenders.
  • Attackers think in systems, while defenders think in components; adopting a systems mindset can help outmaneuver attackers.
  • CI/CD enables faster incident response, automated reprovisioning, and minimizes manual effort.
  • Modularity minimizes incident impact, keeps things separate, and enables faster patching and keeping dependencies up to date.
  • Design-based solutions, such as paved roads, can eliminate hazards by design and create reliable and predictable services.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IAC) helps correct misconfigurations, automate reprovisioning, and reduce manual effort.
  • Chaos experimentation seeks to understand how disruptions impact the entire system’s behavior.
  • Resilient stress testing builds upon decision trees and helps identify the confluence of conditions where system failure is possible.
  • Attackers have a faster operational tempo, can measure success effectiveness, and can design, develop, and operate mechanisms to outmaneuver defenders.
  • Defenders can outmaneuver attackers by becoming nimble, curious, and empirical, and by adopting a similar approach to attackers.
  • Designing for modularity, standardization, and isolation can help create a buffer against failures and enable faster recovery.
  • Paved roads, such as WALI, can establish a pattern of adding security requirements and eliminate hazards by design.
  • Automated systems, such as CI/CD, can help reduce manual effort and minimize the risk of human error.
  • Design-based defense can transform the way defenders approach security, enabling faster and more effective incident response.