From Monolith to Shared Library: A Jamstack Migration | Moriel Schottlender

Migrating a monolith to a shared library with a non-traditional approach, leveraging JAMstack and caching, and exploring the future of Jamstack and its impact on open source.

Key takeaways
  • Decoupling monolith to shared library
    • Non-traditional approach to migrating a monolith to a shared library
    • Adapting to new architecture
  • JAMstack and caching
    • Importance of caching in JAMstack, especially for services
    • Caching can be super complicated for services
    • On-demand caching is a huge game changer
  • Complexity and architecture
    • Must consider complexity and trade-offs when designing architecture
    • Neutrality WTF, a tool for replacing binary gendered language, was developed during a hackathon
    • Delving into the code and understanding how it works is crucial
  • Neutrality WTF and Jamstack
    • Neutrality WTF is a standalone library that can be used in a JAMstack architecture
    • Jamstack made me a better open source denizen
  • Future of Jamstack
    • More people are adopting Jamstack
    • NPM package for Neutrality WTF was created
    • Jamstack has led to more open source involvement
  • Concerns and decisions
    • Separation of concerns is essential
    • Making conscious choices about complexity and trade-offs is crucial
    • Must consider how on-demand caching and neutrality WTF will be used
  • Simple library
    • Neutrality WTF is designed to be a simple library
    • Uses a one-to-one replacement JSON dictionary
    • Can be used in a JAMstack architecture
  • Caching and Jamstack
    • Jamstack caching uses on-demand caching
    • On-demand caching is a huge benefit
    • Jamstack caching can be super complicated
  • Business and architecture
    • Must consider business goals when designing architecture
    • Must consider complexity and trade-offs when designing architecture
    • Jamstack architecture is beneficial for many projects