Exploring Spring Boot Clients: A Comprehensive Overview by Patrick Baumgartner

Get a comprehensive overview of Spring Boot Clients, including Rest Template, HTTP Client, and how Spring Boot simplifies client setup and usage with auto-configuration and builders.

Key takeaways
  • Spring Boot Clients have a long history, dating back to 2004
  • The Rest Template is a popular abstraction on top of HTTP Clients, but can be verbose
  • The HTTP Client is a low-level implementation, often used internally
  • The Spring Boot team prefers to use interface-based programming with clients
  • The Proxy Pattern is used to hide cross-cutting concerns, such as caching and security
  • Declarative programming can be useful for simplifying client code
  • Spring Boot’s auto-configuration can simplify client setup
  • The HTTP Client has a fluent API, making it easier to use
  • Spring Boot provides builders for clients, making it easier to create instances
  • The Builder Pattern is used to create clients, making it easier to customize behavior
  • Spring Boot’s auto-configuration can configure clients with minimal configuration
  • The HTTP Client has a strong focus on performance and scalability