Pierre Ducroquet Multi tenant database the good, the bad, the ugly

Explore the pros and cons of multi-tenant databases, including PostgreSQL challenges, security concerns, and tools that can help or hinder performance.

Key takeaways
  • Public schemas are more restricted than before.
  • Multi-tenant database has good, bad, and ugly sides.
  • PostgreSQL has issues with searching path and database structure.
  • Role-level security is tricky and doesn’t work as expected.
  • Connection pooling is necessary for multi-tenant database.
  • Some tools don’t work with schemas.
  • PostgreSQL extensions like PgBoonser can help.
  • AutoVacuum needs to be configured carefully.
  • Logical replication works differently from physical replication.
  • Some developers don’t know about Darwin or Evolution.
  • Security breaches are still possible with multi-tenant database.
  • Few tools work with large databases and many tables.
  • Most Postgres tools are not designed for multi-tenant databases.
  • Using containers, virtual machines, or containers can help.
  • Some tools don’t survive database changes.
  • Most developers write code without considering schemas.
  • Few people are aware of the existence of schemas.
  • Bloat can be a problem with multi-tenant databases.
  • Some tools require manual configuration.
  • Using role-level security requires complex configuration.
  • There is no perfect solution for multi-tenant database.
  • Some developers don’t know how to use PGStat statements.
  • Few tools are designed to work with large databases and many tables.
  • Most developers write code without considering indexes.
  • Bloat can be a problem with multi-tenant databases.
  • Using containers, virtual machines, or containers can help.
  • Few tools work with large databases and many tables.
  • Security breaches can still happen with multi-tenant database.