FSCK 2024 - Datum und Uhrzeit: What a mess!

Unlock the complexity of Datum und Uhrzeit, a system notoriously difficult to understand and use. Learn how to simplify it and explore the challenges of cryptography and community engagement in a fun and interactive presentation.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker is discussing the complexity of Datum und Uhrzeit.
  • The system had a list with code, which was not straightforward.
  • The speaker is reflecting on how the system worked and how it was improved.
  • The issue with the system was that it was difficult to understand and use.
  • The speaker is emphasizing the need for a simple and easy-to-use system.
  • The speaker suggests using a build/run monitor to track changes.
  • The speaker notes that engagement with the NATO community had been difficult.
  • The speaker mentions that cryptography is of interest, especially for secure communication.
  • The speakers is showing slides with code and asking for help.
  • The issues with the code are complex and require careful consideration.
  • The speaker suggests that the solution may not be easy, but that working together will help.
  • The speaker mentions that it is not only about individuals, but also about organizations.
  • The speaker is grateful for the opportunity to speak and hopes to receive help.
  • Reviewing the code and the system is necessary to understand the issues.
  • The speaker is going to go through different parts of the process, from scratch, even though it seems complicated.
  • Finally, the speaker says that Datum und Uhrzeit is a mess.