#07 Making Early Hires | Julio Martinez | Slush 2023

Make intentional early hires that drive company growth by prioritizing attitude, seniority, and culture, and avoid unnecessary tensions with clear vision and data-driven decision-making.

Key takeaways
  • Prioritize early hires, they are crucial for company growth
  • Don’t cheat yourself, make intentional hires
  • Flex your hiring muscles, don’t settle for mediocrity
  • Hire based on attitude, not just skills
  • Use referrals, they are your best hires
  • Be competitive, don’t wait for the right candidate
  • Keep company simple, focus on fundamentals
  • Don’t compromise on seniority, it’s crucial for early stage companies
  • Be practical, don’t overthink the hiring process
  • Use design as a competitive advantage
  • Make sure early hires are passionate about your product
  • Avoid unnecessary tensions, be clear about your vision
  • Focus on performance, it’s critical for early stage companies
  • Don’t be afraid to make tough decisions, fire underperformers
  • Be intentional about building relationships with your early hires
  • Master the art of hiring, it’s crucial for company growth
  • Focus on building a strong team, not just individual talent
  • Use data to drive decision-making, not just intuition
  • Be prepared to learn from failure, it’s a natural part of the hiring process
  • Keep company culture in mind when making hiring decisions
  • Prioritize the right culture, it’s essential for company growth
  • Don’t overcomplicate the hiring process, keep it simple
  • Use advice sources, they can provide valuable insights
  • Be humble, recognize that you don’t know everything
  • Focus on building a strong brand, it will attract top talent
  • Prioritize building relationships with early hires, they are crucial for company growth