PostgreSQL 16 and beyond: Amit Kapila - PGCon 2023

"Discover the latest features and improvements in PostgreSQL 16 and beyond, including I/O enhancements, JSON advancements, and performance boosts, as Amit Kapila shares his insights from PGCon 2023."

Key takeaways
  • PostgreSQL 16 plans to improve I/O capabilities, including a read/add mechanism to make it production-ready.
  • JSON arrays can have different value expressions and JSON objects.
  • A new isJSON predicate helps distinguish between JSON objects and arrays.
  • The isJSON function returns true for objects and false for arrays.
  • Parallel full outer joins and right joins have been introduced, improving parallelism.
  • A new self-auto-tuning module is being worked on to improve processing.
  • Case-insensitive text collation is being improved, allowing users to define custom rules for text sorting.
  • Large relation files are planned to be introduced to improve storage.
  • Performance improvements include up to 3x improvement for bulk loads in logical replication setups.
  • Direct I/O capabilities are being worked on, allowing for direct access to disk without going through the buffer pool.
  • Index-only scans have been introduced, improving query speeds.
  • TOAST (type-ahead overflow storage) is being further improved.
  • Logical replication from standby and DDL replication have been improved.
  • Automatic vacuuming and cleaning up temporary files have been enhanced.
  • Storage area improvements include reduced memory usage and improved locking mechanisms.
  • Case-insensitive text collation is being improved, allowing users to define custom rules for text sorting.
  • Postgres now supports minimum Windows 10 for Windows installations.
  • Various partitioning related improvements have been made.
  • CPU acceleration using SIMD instructions is being supported for both x86 and ARM architectures.