Sponsor Presentation - Fixing legacy code, one pull request at a time

Fixing Legacy Code with SonarCloud: Small Steps to Better Code Quality Learn how to refactor and rewrite legacy code using SonarCloud's static analysis and quality gate features.

Key takeaways
  • Legacy code can be fixed one pull request at a time using SonarCloud and static analysis.
  • SonarCloud is a cloud-based platform for monitoring and analyzing code quality.
  • The “clean-as-you-go” approach enables developers to write clean code and raise quality standards.
  • SonarLint is a free and open-source tool for static analysis that can be integrated with SonarCloud.
  • The “sonarcloud scan” can be triggered as part of the CI/CD workflow to analyze code quality.
  • The “sonarcloud scan” can be set up in the IDE for quick analysis.
  • The “quality gate” ensures that pull requests are passed only if the quality standards are met.
  • The “connected mode” between SonarLint and SonarCloud allows for seamless integration.
  • The “ automatic analysis” feature enables analysis without manual configuration.
  • The “ forgiving” nature of SonarCloud encourages developers to fix issues.
  • The “ clean-as-you-go” approach is a more sustainable and efficient way to maintain code quality.
  • Legacy code can be refactored and rewritten over time.
  • The “sonarcloud scan” can detect security hotspots and vulnerabilities.
  • The “clean-as-you-go” approach can help reduce technical debt.
  • The “quality gate” can be configured to meet specific quality standards.