[VDTRIESTE24] Cracking the Code: Decoding Anti-Bot Systems! - Conference by Fabien Vauchelles

Decoding anti-bot systems, cracking the code on obfuscation techniques, and staying ahead of proxy networks, data center proxies, and residential proxies to keep websites secure.

Key takeaways

Code Obfuscation and Anti-Bot Systems

  • Obfuscation is the art of rendering code incomprehensible
  • Code flow confusions: using complex conditions and nested loops to hide code logic
  • Obfuscation techniques: encryption, encoding, string manipulation, and control flow flattenings
  • Anti-bot systems use machine learning and behavior analysis to detect and block bots
  • Key signals: browser stack, protocol headers, HTTP requests, and user behavior
  • Browser stack analysis: IP address, device architecture, browser version, and GPU information
  • Protocol headers: TCP/IP, TLS, and HTTP/2
  • HTTP requests: formatting and encryption methods
  • User behavior: navigation patterns, sequence of webpage visits, and time delay between requests
  • Anti-bot systems use reinforcement learning to adjust and improve their detection methods
  • Commercial solutions: available for website owners to detect and block bots
  • Proxy networks: used to mask IP addresses and evade detection
  • Data center proxies: virtual machines running on cloud providers
  • Residential proxies: users sharing their real mobile devices or computers
  • Obfuscation is used to prevent code from being deobfuscated or analyzed
  • Code analysis: converting by-code to source code, using disassemblers and debuggers
  • Reverse engineering: decompiling binary files to extract source code
  • Start-of-art techniques: asymmetric encryptions, RSA, and DSA
  • Next-generation proxy solutions: using machine learning and AI to detect and block bots