How to rebuild digital services for a multi-national restaurant chain from scratch

Rebuild digital services with Jamstack, empowering teams to update content in real-time.

Key takeaways
  • The talk is about rebuilding digital services for a multinational restaurant chain from scratch.
  • The need for self-serve tools for marketing and product teams is essential to update content in real-time.
  • Using Jamstack (JavaScript, API, and Markup) can be a good fit for organizational dynamics in enterprise tech and marketing groups.
  • Code example: conditional loading concepts, separating code from content, and using React components.
  • The focus is on making e-commerce apps driven by business folks who own the sales results.
  • Key findings:
    • Developer experience is important in enterprise too.
    • Use of a headless CMS with a GraphQL API to communicate between front-end and back-end.
    • Customizing code for React components, and using Webpack to conditionally load parts of the app.
    • Nesting hierarchy of custom components, and using a content studio for marketing to edit data.
  • The talk highlights the importance of empowering business groups to make updates themselves, and the need for a unified platform that uses shared React components and code.
  • The company’s experience with Jamstack has been positive, and they recommend it for other organizations.