Functional Programming in Vite with Elm | Lindsay Wardell | ViteConf 2022

Leverage Elm's functional programming language with Vite to avoid runtime errors, boost strong typing, and maintainment.

Key takeaways
  • Elm is a functional programming language that compiles to JavaScript, providing a statically typed and strongly typed language, allowing for fewer runtime errors and better code maintainability.
  • Elm’s architecture is designed to avoid runtime errors, with all state living at the top level and not allowing mutation.
  • Elm has a simple configuration system, and can be added to any Vite-based application using the vite-plugin-elm plugin.
  • Elm has a powerful compiler that guides you through the process of learning the language and writing Elm code.
  • Elm Test is a testing framework for Elm, allowing you to write tests in Elm for Elm code.
  • Elm’s type system is static and provides strong typing out of the box, with no need for additional libraries or tools.
  • Elm’s error messages are helpful and provide guidance on how to fix errors, unlike JavaScript where errors can be unclear and difficult to debug.
  • Elm can be used with existing JavaScript frameworks, but provides a more functional programming approach to building web applications.
  • Elm’s architecture is designed for maintainability, with each piece of data having a single source of truth.
  • Elm’s state is immutable, making it easy to reason about the state of the application.
  • Elm’s compiler is built-in and provides type checking, eliminating the need for separate type checking tools.
  • Elm’s code can be formatted using Elm Format, which follows a standard format and does not require configuration.