Goodbye YAML: Infrastructure as Code in Clojure - Eno Compton & Tyler van Hensbergen

Learn how to manage infrastructure as code in Clojure with the AWS Cloud Developer Kit (CDK), a higher-level concern than YAML, and experience the benefits of concise and productive infrastructure management, easy reuse, and improved developer experience.

Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • The speakers are from a company that uses AWS and has adopted the AWS Cloud Developer Kit (CDK) for managing infrastructure.
  • CDK is a higher-level concern than YAML, allowing for more concise and productive infrastructure management.
  • The company has written a library in TypeScript that uses CDK under the hood, and has found it to be a significant improvement over using YAML.
  • CDK provides a set of infrastructure constructs that can be composed together to create complex infrastructure setups.
  • The company uses Closure to solve real business problems and deploy them on AWS.
  • CDK allows for easy reuse of infrastructure code, and provides good support for testing and debugging.
  • The company has found that using CDK has allowed them to move away from slow and error-prone manual deployments, and has improved their overall developer experience.
  • CDK is a complementary tool to other tools like Terraform, and can be used in conjunction with them.
  • The company is excited about the potential of CDK and its ability to make infrastructure management more accessible and enjoyable for developers.