Greenberg & Wu - An Introduction to Cloud-Based Geospatial Analysis with Earth Engine and Geemap

Discover the power of cloud-based geospatial analysis with Earth Engine and Geemap, a Python package for accessing and processing satellite data, enabling rapid processing and analysis of large datasets.

Key takeaways
  • Cloud-based geospatial analysis with Earth Engine and Geemap enables researchers to access and process satellite data with ease and efficiency.
  • Earth Engine has over 80 petabytes of data, including Landsat, Sentinel-2, and other satellite imagery.
  • Geemap is a Python package for accessing and processing Earth Engine data, and can be used for visualization, computation, and machine learning.
  • The cloud-based platform allows for rapid processing and analysis of large datasets, and enables users to scale up their work without the need for expensive hardware or software.
  • Geemap is open-source and free to use for research, education, and non-commercial purposes.
  • The package is designed to be easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to quickly access and process data.
  • Geomap has been used in a variety of applications, including monitoring deforestation, tracking urban growth, and analyzing climate change.
  • The package is also extensible, with support for adding new features and functionalities.
  • The speaker’s github repository contains a variety of resources, including tutorials, videos, and documentation, for those interested in learning more about Geemap and using it for their own research.
  • The package is scalable and can be run on any cloud platform, including Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, and more.
  • Geemap is being actively maintained and developed by the speaker, with a team of contributors and a community of users.
  • The package has the potential to revolutionize the field of remote sensing by making it easier and more accessible for researchers to analyze and visualize satellite data.