Guido van Rossum - Guido van Rossum Q&A

Join Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, as he answers your burning questions about the language's past, present, and future.

Key takeaways
  • There are no plans to include MyPy in the standard library.
  • The US Python conference is just the first of the year, and Guido himself goes there to attend the various talks.
  • Python will not become Python 4, it’ll just evolve with the language.
  • The language will eventually change if someone proposes a change that improves the language but requires a clearcut backwards incompatibility.
  • The language is still being improved because it is still not perfect.
  • The new parser was introduced in Python 3.9, and Guido is working with others to improve it.
  • There are already languages like JavaScript that can be used for writing web pages, Python is just one of them.
  • Some languages can be used to write web pages using Python.
  • For concurrency, Python doesn’t have it built-in, it’s designed for single-threadedism, but there are various approaches like sub-interpreters that can be used.
  • There are some new views on concurrency pragmatic about wrapping and adding it on top of the languages to function.
  • The idea of Python 4 is not real, it’s just hasn’t been considered.
  • Backwards compatibility is a major consideration in making language changes.
  • Guido is not optimistic about getting rid of the GIL.
  • Python is a great language for beginners, and some developers are very talented.
  • There is no other language that Guido likes.
  • He thinks that it would take 30 years to create a language that we could use today.
  • Guido did not start with a clear plan when creating Python.
  • The language has evolved a lot since its creation.
  • Guido would not give an answer to someone who asked him what would happen if they met the Monty Python crew.
  • He prefers not to answer hypothetical questions.
  • Python is not a language for teaching programming, it’s a language for general-purpose programming.
  • Guido is active in the Python community and still participates in the planning process.
  • Guido is no longer a member of the steering council.