What's new in C#? - Exciting new features in C# 9, 10 and 11! - Filip Ekberg - NDC Oslo 2023

Discover the latest advancements in C# 9, 10, and 11, featuring concise syntax, pattern matching enhancements, records, and more, making C# a more expressive and powerful language.

Key takeaways
  • C# is becoming more expressive, with less boilerplate code and more concise syntax.
  • Pattern matching enhancements, including switch expressions, make it easier to work with complex data.
  • Records are a new way to create reference types, with a primary constructor and immutable by default.
  • C# 11 introduces more features, such as top-level statements, file scope namespaces, and a global keyword.
  • The language is taking inspiration from F#, Kotlin, and Java, making it more versatile and powerful.
  • Some new features, like nullable reference types, may require careful consideration and configuration.
  • The language is open-source, allowing users to participate in discussions and propose new features.
  • The future of C# promises even more exciting developments, including more concise syntax and improved performance.