Hack Like a Pro: Bug Bounties, Web Vulnerabilities & More! • Ben @NahamSec & Julian Wood • GOTO 2022

Learn the art of bug hunting and gain hands-on experience in ethical hacking, bug bounties, web vulnerabilities, and security practices to protect yourself and others from cyber threats.

Key takeaways
  • To become a good bug hunter, actually get your hands dirty and start hacking.

  • Start with basic security practices, such as understanding the basics of programming, and the basics of security frameworks.

  • Learn to view things from an adversary’s perspective, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and server-side request forgery.

  • The best way to learn ethical hacking is to get practice through bug bounties and online courses, such as Hack The Box and WebSec Academy.

  • Start with research and legwork, and then proceed to focus on exploitation.

  • Authentication and authorization are crucial in preventing attacks, and two-factor authentication should be used.

  • In general, security is a long-term process, and individuals should keep learning and updating their skills.

  • Companies should prioritize user education and include real-time feedback to their customers about security.

  • Having an inventory of assets and understanding what you are trying to protect will help with security hygiene.

  • Companies should prioritize both security and usability to achieve a balance.

  • Bug bounty programs can be a valuable way for companies to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

  • The importance of security awareness cannot be overstated, as it involves educating users to protect themselves and their data.

  • A good security practice is to use a password manager, such as LastPass or 1Password, and to avoid using the same password for multiple websites.

  • It is important to keep up with new technologies and remain aware of the increasing severity of cyber attacks.

  • A good course to start with is the “Intro to Bug Bounty and Web Hacking” course on Udemy.

  • To be successful in bug hunting, one must understand the basics of programming, and the basics of security frameworks.

  • For ethical hacking, it is best to start with online courses and then move to bug bounties.