Honey Bee Conservation using Deep Learning

Develop a novel deep learning-based solution for honey bee colony monitoring, achieving 93% accuracy in detecting and classifying honey cells and brood from smartphone images, with potential applications in beekeeping and research.

Key takeaways
  • The researchers developed a neural network-based solution for honey bee colony monitoring using deep learning.
  • The task is to detect and classify honey cells and brood (bee young) in images taken by smartphone cameras.
  • The team used a pipeline composed of image acquisition, pre-processing, training, and testing to achieve an accuracy of 93%.
  • Five different architectures were tried: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN), UNet, DenseNet, and Inception-V3.
  • The MobileNet was found to be the most suitable due to its efficiency and accuracy.
  • Challenges included dealing with lens distortion, illumination variations, and the difficulty in manual annotation of images.
  • A post-processing step using a binary threshold was applied to segment out the cells from the background.
  • F1-score and accuracy loss were used to evaluate the performance of the models.
  • For real-world applications, a simple software solution was developed to automatically generate reports on the health of honeybee colonies.
  • The team plans to open-source the software and data set, potentially enabling beekeepers and research institutions to use the technology for colony management and research.