How to Build a Market Leading Product With the CPO of

Discover how to build a market leading product with the CPO of, covering essential keys to success, from understanding customer problems to striking a balance between persistence and pivoting.

Key takeaways
  • The importance of being open and transparent with people in a leadership role.
  • The value of understanding the customer problem and what you’re trying to solve.
  • The need to be willing to pivot and change when an idea isn’t working.
  • The importance of having a clear mission and OKRs for teams.
  • The need to strike a balance between persistence and knowing when to quit.
  • The value of having a deep understanding of the customer and being able to manipulate the messaging to optimize the acceptance rate.
  • The importance of having a good alignment of values between teams and having a clear understanding of the language of the other side (customer).
  • The need to create a delightful experience for customers.
  • The importance of understanding the full monetization strategy and how to make a business out of something from the very first day.
  • The value of having a collaborative tool such as FigJam.
  • The need to avoid competing teams with the same remit and create autonomy and empowerment for teams.
  • The importance of being able to leverage as little as possible third-party providers in the stack.
  • The need to create a sense of ownership and accountability within teams.