How to Start Building Your First Bitcoin SV App | Ty Everett, Brayden Langley | #LDNBlockchain23

Build your first Bitcoin SV app with Ty Everett and Brayden Langley, exploring client request, authentication, and micropayments on the Meta Net platform.

Key takeaways
  • To build a Bitcoin SV app, start by replacing window.fetch with client.request.
  • Use auth.right to authenticate with the backend server in a peer-to-peer manner.
  • Meta Net client is a piece of software that sits on your computer and manages your private keys.
  • Micropayments can be enabled using packet pay as a replacement for auth.right.
  • To facilitate micropayments, you can create a bot on Bot Crafter and set the pricing for it.
  • The meta net client automatically detects the installation of the client on your computer and obtains a digital signature to link to the server.
  • To make a payment, you need to approve a spending authorization request in the meta net client.
  • Bot Crafter is a marketplace for creating and selling AI chatbots.
  • You can train your own chatbots using training data and set the pricing for it.
  • Once you’ve set up your account on Meta Net, you can create a bot and use it to communicate with other users.
  • Bot Crafter allows you to manage your data and micropayments securely and privately.
  • The meta net client can be used to facilitate secure communication between clients and servers.
  • Authentication is essential for secure communication in the meta net ecosystem.
  • Micropayments can be used to facilitate transactions between users.
  • To build a wallet, you can use an open-source wallet such as Cash App.
  • The meta net client uses digital signatures to link to the server and ensure secure communication.
  • Bot Crafter is a platform for creating and selling AI chatbots.
  • You can use bot Crafter to create a chatbot and set the pricing for it.
  • Bot Crafter allows you to create and manage your own AI chatbots.
  • Bot Crafter is a platform for building a new generation of applications.
  • Micropayments can be used to facilitate secure transactions between users.
  • The meta net client uses HTTP error codes to handle authentication requests.
  • To create a bot on Bot Crafter, you need to set up an account and train your own chatbots.
  • You can use bot Crafter to create a chatbot and set the pricing for it.
  • Bot Crafter is a platform for creating and selling AI chatbots.
  • Micropayments can be used to facilitate transactions between users.
  • Authentication is essential for secure communication in the meta net ecosystem.
  • To build a wallet, you can use an open-source wallet such as Cash App.
  • Bot Crafter allows you to create and manage your own AI chatbots.
  • You can use bot Crafter to create a chatbot and set the pricing for it.